Monday, November 2, 2009

& i thought i wanted to be famous . .

BUT, i've quickly changed my mind . . i hear it's not all it's cracked up to be

so today, i thought a lot about some things . life's been kinda crazyy lately . . in both good & bad aspects . i've been going through what i think is my FIRST real heartbreak . but like every other obstacle i've endured in life, i've just learned from it . but the particular situation makes me think of this quote ;

'never make someone a priority when they're only willing to make you an option'

i must say that's some of the most realest spit i've ever read . for so long, i was the only one out of us two even attempting to make it work . i thought i had to try . . but then i s l o w l y started to see that his effort wasn't there & it just wasn't worth it so i slacked off . welll, when i decided to slack, he noticed . . & in a nutshell threw what we had away . . i thought he was different but i was let down . but hey, there's more fishies in the sea for lil ol me (:

but basically, what you should've taken from that whole spill was that . . no matter how significant of a priority you try to make that person you can still only be an option to them . it sucks, but you what that's called ? LIFE//REALITY
on a much lighter note ; i feel myself becoming an amazingly better person . & i'm soo happy about that . & i have some amazing people in my life .

welp friends, i think that concludes today's post ! love you guyss . . thanks so much for supporting me !

SONG OF THE DAY : papers - usher ♥Usher Raymond Pictures, Images and Photos

peace . [ ♥ ] . lisha (:



  1. I love that quote. I'm totally stealing it. I'm sorry that you had a heartbreak. I had one too, so guess there's something going around. :(.

  2. The quote is very true...

    (don't 4get 2 visit my blog & follow)

  3. yea, it's definitely going around !
    lol .

  4. Ain't it the truth thoe.



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