Sunday, December 20, 2009

goneee . .

so um . . i guess it's true what they say ;
'absence makes the heart grow fonder'

for me, i've experienced this is many situations . i've missed someone . . knowing they'll be back & i've also missed someone knowing i won't see see them again . when you're without someone who you're used to constantly being in your presence, or constantly talking to them . . you realize so much about them . you tend to appreciate them so much more . & maybe even that you took them being there for granted

i went through this heavy with my mom when she passed . i realized that i didn't appreciate her as much as i should've & i DEFINITELY took her for granted in more ways than one . now, that she's no longer with us, i appreciate so much more all the things she taught me & the things she put me through to teach me . & i will always think they are the reason for me being the way i am today .

it sucks that it takes someone being missing for you to fully put things into perspective about them . i'm going through this even now . my boyfriend is in a little 'situation' & i haven't talked to him in almost a week & we were supposed to be together this weekend . but during this time i haven't talked to him . . i guess you can say i realized how i truly felt for him . & i really miss him .

so basically what i'm trying to say is . . . appreciate your loved ones & let them know often how much you love them . because you never know when they can easily be torn from your life for whatever reason .

peace . [ love ] . lisha

SONG OF THE DAY : officially missing you - tamia ♥


  1. Hey, i'm having a really great giveaway on my blog. I think you'll really like it. Check it out!

  2. i feel ya.. nd i totally understan.
    nd this is so tru!



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